General properties
Temperatures from -200 to +450°C
General use to 600 psi For pressures up to 1450 psi please contact Khong Lieng.
Physical properties
Metal core nominal thickness: 0.5 mm (standard), 0.6mm and 0.7mm, before corrugating.
In the delivery condition, the total thickness of a gasket with graphite layers amounts to app. 2.3mm, resulting from the 1.3mm corrugated ring and one layer 0.5 graphite each side
Nominal pitch of corrugations: max. 3mm
Graphite facing thickness: 0.5mm standard and 0.8mm on request
Also available with a U-Shaped Eyelet fitted to the bore and the outside periphery of the gasket. The eyelet fitted to the bore prevents contamination of the process media and protects the graphite from the process media.
Graphite standard purity, >98% graphite, density 1.0g. cm3